Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am thankful for....

Maybe God is reminding me of all the wonderful things I have to be thankful for because I keep counting them in my head. It's about 4:30 am and I woke up thinking about the crazy things that I am thankful to have in my life. I would like to share them with you.

1. I am thankful for being saved. Just to be introduced to the saving Grace of Jesus is a blessing. How different my life would be without the guidance of the Bible and how terrible death would be without the assurance of salvation.

2. I am thankful that I am still completely in love with my husband. It's a gamble when you marry at 23 that you will still be in love 20+ years later. He still makes my heart jump a little when I see him and I can't imagine life without him. Don't think that I don't ever get angry with him -- you know that I want to hit him with a stick sometimes! However, I imagine he has those same feelings toward me at times. We are normal.

3. I am thankful for garage door openers. I know this is silly compared to my first two on the list, but that garage door opener has saved me from the rain many times and I think it's a great invention. I wish I could program the garage door opener that is part of the fancy stuff in my car. Can't make it happen.

4. I am thankful for people who send me hand-written notes and call to check on me for no reason. Tony, Mom, Lora, Carol, Connie, Jackie, and Cathy -- Thanks for sweet notes, texts, and phone calls. If you are reading this and you don't send me hand-written notes, texts, or phone calls you should. I need you.

5. I am thankful that I have a baby sister. I was almost six when she was born. Mom told me and my younger brother that she was our baby and we should help take care of her. No jealously, she was ours. I still call her "baby" and she turned 39 in January. She will always be the baby and is the closest I will come to having a kid of my own. Call me if you need something baby!

6. I am thankful for a job that I love and for the people I am honored to work with. To have a job at all is a blessing in this economy, but to have one you love is an added blessing. You can be sure that I have had many jobs that I did NOT love. I definitely have some point of reference to compare my current job. I have worked continuously since I was 15 years old -- long before that if you count working at home in the huge garden every summer. Lots of character building over the years. Thanks to all my great co-workers who make our college so great.

7. I am thankful for my health. My neck hurts, I have to wear glasses to see, my back hurts, and I can't wear high heels anymore because my knees hurt. Those are just things that happen when you keep living. My church's prayer list has so many people who are sick and dealing with awful diseases. My aches are minor. Thank you God for my health.

8. I am thankful for a plentiful supply of safe food. I struggle all the time with my weight and I often think about what a blessing I have to be surrounded by food. Many parts of the world never have enough food and people are dying at this moment from malnutrition and tainted food. I know that there are many health problems associated with being overweight and that we must eat in moderation. But, I am thankful to have the necessity of "watching what I eat" in order to stay healthy. I hope to never know the horror of real hunger. I once worked with a lady whose husband had been a POW. He was severely abused and starved at the hands of his captors. She said that they had stray cats everywhere at their house because her husband always fed every stray that came on the property. His explanation was that once you really know what it's like to be at the point of almost starving to death, you could never let another creature go hungry if you could help it. She told me this story 20 years ago. I will never forget it.

9. I am thankful for my dachshund Stretch. He is a genius. It's now 5:15 am and he has gotten out of bed to sit near me while I type. He is snoring. I had never had a dog of my own until Stretchy. I have two other dogs who are wonderful, but Stretchy and I are best buds. He really is amazing. He loves two things -- food and me. He is too fat and I should cut back on his snacks. I don't think I will. Sometimes he cries to go outside so that he can run right back in for a snack. He is a genius. He does not like men -- except for Tony and he will bite you if you come to my house. He loves me, Tony, my sister, my mom, my step-dad, Joshua, and my friend Connie. That's it. When I first got him, I left the house to go to Macon and that baby ran for almost a mile following me screaming "mama, please let me go with you!" No one has ever run after me screaming "I just want to be near you, please let me go with you!" He can have anything he wants. Just ask Dr. Marty, he will tell you that Stretchy is a spoiled dog. He and I have the same birthday. He is a genius and I love him.

10. I am thankful for my Bible - The Book. It's written in a modern language that I can understand and apply to my life. I love the KJV also for its wonderful language, but I find it hard to extrapolate the meaning of some of the passages. I read my Bible every night and usually find something that I have never read before or realize a new, deeper meaning for something that I have read many times. I am amazed that there is almost no aspect of life that is not addressed in the Bible. Of course, I need to go much deeper and study many more years to understand the wonder of the messages of the Bible. I am amazed that we can hold the Word of God in our hands. Sometimes I expect that something so holy might even burn my hand when I touch it. Thank God it doesn't burn my hand and I can keep studying.

Stopping this blog with 10 items. I will write more soon. I know that I have much, much more to be thankful for and I AM thankful for so much in my life. Sometimes the most simple blessings are the greatest. Sometimes our blessings are very complex and come to light more clearly through pain. Please tell me some of your blessings. I am very interested. Thanks for reading.


  1. Tina-I am a firm believer that happiness stems from one's ability to be grateful. You are an example in this lesson. Some people learn this when they are old. Some never learn this. I am thankful to have learned this lesson in my early 20's. Thanks for the reminder to take a blessings inventory every now and again.

  2. TIna- I loved the blog. I have many things to be thankful for and one of these are the friendship that we have! And I love Stretch too! Connie

  3. I like the idea of a top ten grateful list. When you can list out what you are grateful for, it really makes one realize how lucky they are! I am going to make a list of my own right now!

    Towards the top of my list would be Toby, my chihuahua. Stretch reminds me so much of Toby with his potty needs just to get a treat! My pets have always been some of my closest friends in this world. Who else is ALWAYS happy to see you every single time you come home?

    But, the top of my list has to be my family. We may be small, but we are God centered and this has been such a blessing.

    Keep on writing and I'll keep on reading! Debra S.

  4. Tina, I love your blogs! Yes, I went through each one....It was like reading a collection of short stories...I couldn't stop until I was done with all of them! I love that you shared your 'Grateful List' with all of us! We all need to be reminded that our problems are not as big as we think they are. Sometimes it is those small, simple 'things' that God sends our way that are the most special blessings! I was excited to see your zip line blog. I recently told Henry that I want to 'zip' through a jungle...It's on my 'Bucket List'! :-() Thank you for sharing your blogspot with me!! Robin

  5. Tina: I too have so many things to be thankful for that I could fill up the page!! But I do have to tell you I am so thankful for you and Tony and of course "Stretchy." You guys brought this poor college kid in and gave me a warm place to live, food and most of all love! I probably haven't told you and Tony thank you enough! You both will always hold a special place in my heart!!

    I will always remember our many walks around Dodge County High track and the night you spent with me in the hospital! What would I have done without you?? I could go on and on but I won't!

    Again, thank you from the bottem of my heart!!
    Much Love

  6. Oh, this is such a sweet, good post!
    My sister is 7 years younger than me, and she's also the whole family's "baby!" We are all in awe of her! I love that you are so close with your sister, too!!

    I hope you do continue this list... I think it's uplifting for all who read it!

  7. Tina I did enjoy your blogs! You have an amazing way with speaking your heart. I could "ditto" so many on your blessings list! God has
    truly blessed me in so many salvation,who am I a wretched sinner; my precious family-wonderful husband,precious children and my precious, precious Aubree who brings me so much joy. She makes my heart smile. God knew I needed her in my life. my parents were so special and gave me a Christian heritage and the foundation that stays with one always...oh yes, I've strayed, but God was there to take me back, "just as I am". "Living life" is a blessing in its self--I'm thankful for the seasons of life both personally & naturally. Springtime is my the green grass, colorful flowers, gentle breezes, sweet sounds of birds chirping. I can go on-and-on. Thanks for sharing your heart and allowing me to reflect in my own blessings & inspirations. You are correct about "stretching" one's brain to keep it active and young...introspection is motivating. Love ya & may God continue to bless you beyond measure. I love the "bird family" story too! Love ya! Gail
